What Are the Different Types of Furnace Filters and Their Sizes?

Learn about different types of furnace filters, their sizes, MERV ratings, nominal sizes, and more! Find out how to choose the right size for your home.

What Are the Different Types of Furnace Filters and Their Sizes?

When it comes to furnace filters, there are hundreds of different sizes available. This is because the air filters and the furnace are essentially the same. The only difference between the two is their location.

Filter King

offers hundreds of different filter sizes that can be used in various home systems, including furnaces.

Let's take a look at the most common furnace filter sizes and where to buy them. The most affordable type of furnace filter is the disposable pleated type. These filters come in several different MERV sizes and ratings. To find the right filter for your furnace, you must first determine what type of filter is right for your home. Next, you should consider the size of the filter.

Before buying a furnace filter, it's helpful to know the dimensions of the one currently in your furnace. One of the most important things to remember when choosing a new furnace filter is the direction of the air flow. This rounded measurement is called the nominal size and is used to match the correct filter to the corresponding air filter slot. The length, width and depth of a filter are printed in small numbers along the filter frame, on the cardboard edge of a Filter King brand filter. The size and material of the filters used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have a significant impact on energy efficiency and pollution reduction. You can also scroll down and use the air filter size chart to choose the right size and pay quickly.

Square Air Filters

Square Air Filters and other filters in unique or customized shapes and sizes can be designed for specific ecological applications.

Choosing the right furnace filter size not only extends the life of the furnace, but also helps maintain excellent indoor air quality. In any case, you should know the dimensions of a furnace filter so that it can fit properly in your furnace. Choosing the right filter size is crucial not only to maximizing the efficiency of your appliances, but also to promoting a healthier, greener living environment. Reusable and washable air filters offer an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable filters.

Juanita Pete
Juanita Pete

Extreme web evangelist. Typical problem solver. General internet ninja. Typical zombie nerd. Evil travel geek.